Well, at least I picked a great shade of blue. Isn't that the happiest blue you've ever seen?
Here I am actually painting. Wow, I really look like I know what I'm doing, don't I? Well, you can't see the back of my shirt...
or the bottom of my pants...
or my socks...
or my shoes...
or... well, you get what I'm saying.
By Saturday night, I looked like an light blue Smurf. I even had blue paint streaks in my hair, no clue how that happened. My mom had a nice chuckle over that one.
This is the part of the room that caused the most problems (yes, that is a sink in the corner... don't ask, 'cuz we don't have a clue...) I kept backing into the walls when I was painting this side of the room, hence the Smurfiness...
This weekend I also got to meet this gorgeous guy, Kody. He is a rescued white collie that my sister is currently fostering and will most likely be adopting. His coat is a little short (it had been shaved before he came to my sister's house), but it kind of suits him right now, giving him a rangy, wolfish look. I am completely smitten with him!
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