Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A brief Indie Wed recap...

This past weekend I participated in Indie Wed, a bridal show and market at the Ravenswood Event Center in Chicago. It was an unbelievably fantastic show, and I had a great time selling and meeting other independent designers and crafters.

So, I was going post all of my awesome Indie Wed photos of people, booths, and the fashion show.....

Unfortunately, my camera died. And did I bring extra batteries? Of course not, because the ones in my camera were new. I came to the decision that I really need a new camera.

Anyway, here are a couple of the meager pics I managed to take with my iPhone (not fantastic, but at least I have a couple):

My table at Indie Wed

A fabulous dress made from invitations at the Paper Stories booth

Runway show featuring designs from Dame Couture, Audey, and others.


  1. Hi Liesl,

    I am Eva, your Swap-bot partner. I am trying to follow you, can you help me how to do that? Can find the follow button!

    Thanks! Eva

  2. Wow, I would've loved to go! Your booth looked nice, too. :)

    Sadie@ nelliebugs-swaps.blogspot.com

    nelliebugsdotcom from swap-bot blogger swap

  3. hi Im glendas from swapbot and I am happy to be following your blog.,love from glenda
