Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm baaack....

Well, I've finally got my computer put back together, and can finally get online. Hooray!

So, anyway, I've moved from my hobbit-hole apartment....

To my sister's house, which is on possibly the quietest street with kids that I've ever seen.

Don't get too excited for me yet, because my sister decided that she wanted to put the new floors in at the same time as I was moving, so this is still what all of my stuff looks like:

Yep. Still living out of storage three weeks into my new digs. But at least I have a bed, and now that the floors are finally done, I can start moving some of this upstairs.

I hope.


  1. Good luck with the move and getting settled! We're moving too so I feel your pain! I wanted to tell you I laughed hysterically at your profile on Swap Bot. We are very alike and seem to have had the same experiences with swaps....clowns! Really?! lol

    now following you from SB. My name is the same as my blog!

  2. So glad you are closer to settling in. I hate moving. Maybe that is why I only move when I need to declutter.

  3. Cute house. I hope you get settled soon.

  4. welcome back! i hope you have lots of wonderful summer evenings on that beautiful porch!

  5. :) this is kate and oli from swap-bot for the i want more blogger followers! so sorry i'm late!

  6. Hi Lisa, this is Ky from Swap-Bot still following! I hope you get all settled soon! :-)
